So this is Christmas. In Ethiopia. We started out the day by meeting a friend Riley had met when he was here and enlisting ourselves to help him serve food to 95 homeless boys. The food in question was a goat, freshly slaughtered, Ingura bread, and lots of spices. LOTS of spices. The video is us trying the spicy goat with the bread, and it's amazing to me how these homeless kids can eat a whole meal of this stuff and not even break a sweat. Next we delivered the leftovers to homeless people around the neighborhood. It is so cool to me just driving around Addis and looking at everything. Even the driving is vastly different. Alex, the guy in charge of the orphanage at the moment, calls it "freestyle." Basically, anything goes and if you haven't used your horn in less than a minute, you're doing something wrong. Nevertheless, I would bet they are way better drivers than we are, because they drive under truly unpredictable conditions. One other thing I have learned about driving is that though in Canada pedestrians have the right of way, here it is the opposite. So keep your head on a swivel. After that we went to the orphanage and celebrated and played with the kids because it was, of course, their Christmas. The kids were really fun and though there was the obvious language barrier, we still had a lot of fun and I think they did too. Tomorrow we will start work at the orphanage, but having today to make some friends there was awesome! Even though we didn't technically "work", the time we had with the kids made a big impact on all of us, and it would not have been possible without your guys' prayers and support. Thank you so much! Ahmesugenalew! (Thank you in Amheric, took us a good two days to get the hang of)
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